Thursday, October 16, 2008


So neither is finished just quite yet. But within a week's time they both ought to be completed and ready to go. Just some finishing touches being put on both before I prepare them to be sent.
The new issue of Translate is just as sweet as always, but in this case mostly bitter. It was a rough summer. you can read all about it within the pages.
The new Mistletoe EP is basically for the band to take on tour with them in November. It's limited to only 100 copies total. The webstore will have about 20 copies total, so if you miss out here you'll just have to go see us on tour. I'm sorry. Live music can be such a pain in the ass. After it's gone though, it's gone. These things are a pain to make (multiple stampings, stenciling, and numbering) so believe me when I say I don't want to make them anymore. The first show we ought to have them at will be in Rochester on October 25th.
That leads me to just where you're going to get these fantastic items! The new webstore is up and running! The old one will still be around for a couple months, but it won't have anything new in it. So go here to get stuff. Also, the link for the store is on the right side of this page as well.
Expect new reviews next week and a full listing of Mistletoe tour dates.

1 comment:

thegetupkid said...

"And for once Captain Sassypants on the vocals doesn’t sound like a tool. He uses his annoying voice in the best way possible"

That's because the sassy dude from the Blood Brothers is in Jaguar Love, not Past Lives.

And Jaguar Love kind of sucks.